Alternative Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography Workshop - Hollycroft Park

Autumn Photography Workshop in Hollycroft Park, Hinckley

Join a like minded group of beginner photography enthusiasts to learn how to improve your photography skills.

On this workshop you’ll learn the following:

  • How to set up your camera for landscape photography

  • How to design a frame and use professional compositional techniques

  • How to study the light and create form in your pictures

  • What to photograph and how to identify a good picture before you look through your viewfinder

  • You’ll learn how to adjust the settings on your camera to go with the flow and be more natural making photographs

  • You’ll learn this on a nice Sunday evening in September during Autumn and be with a group of like minded people.

All you will need:

Clothes, shoes, digital camera, a tripod (if you have one) and a love for nature.

You can find more information and book one of the limited places using this link.

If you can’t make this date, sign up for news to your email inbox about up coming workshops.

Dreaming of Summer

Combe Martin Landscape Photographs

By Paul Hands

I set out to make artwork from the landscape, while on a family holiday earlier this year in North Devon.

The golden hour falls perfectly in the summer evenings where the sun sets right in the middle of the vista. So I had a play with the light and the environment.

As it’s colder today than what we’ve been experiencing recently, I wanted to push our memories back towards those beautiful summer months we had in 2018.

This is a curated series of photographs and are available as prints or canvas, please click here for more info.

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The Combe Martin Landscape, North Devon.

Tourism Photography 

Showing off the landscape for travellers and tourists.

During a trip to Combe Martin in North Devon for our holiday and exploration of the area, I was overwhelmed by the naturla beauty that surrounds the resort and reacted by making photographs that I felt showed off the place in a promotional way.

This is a skill that I apply to my commercial photography.  I look for the shape of the land and work with how the light falls up on it, shaping the form and romanticising the landscape.  

I'm not strictly a sublimne romantic photographer and this genre is one that I usually leave for the photography enthusiasts but when I was faced with these beautiful scenes in Combe Martin, I couldn't refuse the exposures.

This is a small selection of the pictures that I made during this trip, I hope you enjoy them?

This kind of Landscape Photography can be used to help promote holiday parks, resorts and campsites as well as support the tourism board in promoting destinations.  If you'd like to make an enquiry about commissioning me for an assignment, please hit this button gently...

Home to Home

Night Landscape Photographer England

Home To Home

This series of pictures are part of the experimental stage of what could potentially become a new project.

"I leave home and return, that's the single most repetitive thing I do".

The other night I left home to go and make a series of night landscapes around my local area between Hinckley and Coalville.  My search was for the unusual quirkiness surrounding our towns and villages.  Some man made and some natural with street signs, giant posters in the middle of nowhere and concrete bollards in-between such beauty in the landscape.

February News

New Clients:

I'm pleased to welcome new clients Hinckley BID, BJL Group, Morris Homes, ARO PR and Marketing and JJ Churchill on board.  

Also this month I'll be working on new assignments for two existing clients; Mode Transport Planning and the SFB Group.

More work will also be going in to the application to Grants for the Arts through the Arts Council for a major Environmental Portrait project I'm hoping to work on this year.

If you'd like to keep up with my news or get my blogs and pictures delivered to you via email, subscribe here.  Facebook are messing around with the algorithms for pages and a lot of Creatives are not able to share their art.  So this is one way for artists to stay in touch with the community.

Croft Hill Photography Workshop

December is usually rich with golden hour sunsets during mid afternoon that bring the best light for landscape photography.  Sure there's the small risk of rain but often that brings drama in the skies as well, so it's hard to not find good photographs that have that ability to transport your viewers to see and feel as you did making the picture.

It's not all about the location, nor is it about your equipment.  Photography is a direct reflection of what you see.  So we choose locations that present us with enough material / elements and compositional promise to help inspire us.

Come and join me on another of my photography workshops but this time, on Croft Hill.

Looking towards Earl Shilton from Croft hill, 2016

The workshops are relaxed and always in the company of like minded people.  I'm always on hand to teach and guide you when you need support.  My manner is to give you what you need to explore this wonderful and accessible art form.

The things I can cover during the workshop are:

  • Exposure
  • Composition
  • Technical support
  • Ideas
  • Making art with your camera
  • Not limited to any of the above and I'll be on hand offering tailored support to each person.

The Ascent to Croft Hill

This is the last workshop for this year.  I'll be organising a more adventurous series of workshops around the uk next year.

Date: Thursday 28th December 2017, 1:30pm - 4:30pm.

Workshop Price = £35

To book a place on the Croft Hill Photography Workshop...

Art of Photography Workshop

Since starting the Art of Photography Group, this is the first physical workshop I've ran.  I've ran many other workshops but have improved as a practitioner and have learned how to teach people in a much better way.  So I ran a mini workshop for the group on Wednesday night and it went really well.

This was a rescheduled event because the first date was a wash out, it chucked it down and then I had to try and co-ordinate 9 peoples diaries.  In the end we got there, and it wasn't easy watching the weather on the run up to the rescheduled workshop!

The day before the workshop was terrifying (well maybe I'm being a little over dramatic), the Met Office predicted rain all morning and a little shower in the evening.  The workshop was to take place between 6:30pm and 9:30pm.  On the morning of the workshop, the Met Office said it would rain until midday and be dry for the rest.  Then at lunch time they predicted rain all day and all night, until 2pm when they said it would dry up at lunch and then give us heavy showers between 7pm and 9pm.  

I couldn't take this anymore!  So I didn't look for another hour and they said it would be dry all evening.  That was it, I shut down my mac and accepted that.  It wouldn't change again!

I know from experience of watching the skies as a photographer that rain followed by a sunny dry spell usually gives a dramatic sunset.  This is just what I would have ordered for my group, dry weather and a dramatic sunset.

Some of the people in the group were complete beginners and some were amateurs and all were looking to either improve their photography skills or to learn how to use their camera properly.

Each one left my workshop knowing how to use a camera on manual properly, how to set up their camera to give them complete control over their images.  

What's more important with my photography group is that they all have a common interest.

I run the group in the evening once a month.  It's called The Art Of Photography and we have a Facebook group that you can join if you like.  We share information about photographers, styles, have workshops, will be visiting exhibitions and have artists come along to talk to us about their photography on occasions.  You can visit and join the group by following the above link.

If you'd like to learn more about the group and or my workshops, please contact me here.

Alternative Landscape Photography Workshop Pictures

I jumped at the chance to attend the alternative landscape photography workshop with the Internationally acclaimed Prof. Paul Hill MBE, Maria Falconer FRPS and Nick Lockett who was Chief Photographer for Central Television, last weekend.

This was a heavily attended workshop set in the stunning valley of Hartington in Derbyshires Peak District.  My goals during this workshop were to learn and understand their alternative way of seeing the landscape.  Having been taught by Nick during my degree at De Montfort University, I had already come across this alternative way of seeing the landscape and was keen to learn more about it and have the opportunity to practice with their live support.

I like the notion of creating unique landscapes that look like you have personally created them and not in the same stylistic manner in which almost every other main stream photographer is preaching.  Paul Hill said "If you've seen the picture before, don't click the shutter"!  "How we translate the three-dimensional world into an interesting two-dimensional picture is often referred to as the art of photography. It is called seeing photographically or camera vision" (Hill, 2017).

Paul, Maria and Nick are all such lovely people and very obviously experts in photography with a tremendous amount of experience that is well worth paying for.  If you're interested in looking in to the workshops with these, then check out Paul's website.

Here are my 6 best pictures made during the day.

If you'd like to look in to attending a workshop with myself, then please follow subscribe for news and up to date information.