
A Camera Doesn't Take Photographs.

Tomorrow, I start my new venture in tutoring hobbyist photographers, by providing a workshop that will help them to understand their cameras' much better but more importantly, how to make a good photograph.  

Firstly, a camera doesn't make a good photograph anymore than a typewriter wrote a good novel.  It's all about the person holding the camera and what is in their hearts.

There's a scientific formula for creating a strong photograph but those that already know how to make one, can spot these scientific creations a mile off.  Anyone can use the magic rule of thirds with leading lines through the photograph as it dodges repetitive features etc.  Landscape photography is probably the easiest genre of photography to start with.  The landscape rarely moves in front of you.

In my workshops, I'm going to teach people how to see properly.  What makes a good photograph and how to turn the simplest of things in to something so majestic looking (if that's your cup of tea).  Some photographs work well when they don't look majestic and look dilapidated.  It really does depend on what the World says to you.  How do you view our amazing planet and the creatures that inhabit it?

As this is my new venture, I'll be considering running additional workshops in the future. Tomorrow's will be ran from The Clock Tower Tea Room by the waters edge in Hartshill.  All of the photographs in this blog post was created in the location of the workshops.

Click on each photograph to enlarge.

Where's Boudica?

The legend of Boudica is said to be still laid under the ground somewhere near to Atherstone.  Boudica led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman empire roughly in AD60 / 61.  Boudica was Queen of the British Iceni Tribe and led a supposedly 100,000 strong army.  They defeated the Romans in Londinium which is now St. Albans but eventually lost out to the Roman empire during the battle of Watling Street.  The precise location of the battle remains a mystery amidst speculation that Mancetter next to Atherstone one of the likely battle grounds.  The probability of this area being the battle ground is based on Roman principles of fighting, Watling Street being the main route from South to North and likely place to be met with the empirical forces coming in land from the Welsh borders.

I took a nice stroll along the possible routes Boudica and her army could have moved between British strongholds in the area.  This led me along the canal from Hartshill to Atherstone.  It is a lovely walk and here's some landscape documentary photographs covering the route.