natural photographer

Commercial Documentary Photography - Diabetes UK

Commercial Documentary Photography Midlands

Diabetes UK

Type One Events

Recently I was commissioned by Diabetes UK to produce a still and moving image documentary of their Type One Events so they could use the images in their 2018 marketing campaigns.  The moving images were for a documentary film and a short trailer for social media.  

I'm always grateful for every bit of work that I get along the way and this assignment was no different.  In fact it was special to me because they chose me for my style of working and not because they just needed a photographer or filmmaker.  Their marketing team found my website and preferred my work above most of the other photographers that they came across.  So for me, this was special and encouraged me to really zone in on the assignment.

I can't show you the films yet because they're not allowed to be viewed until the proofing stage has been completed and I get the green light on the final production.  It is for their 2018 marketing campaign as well so I have to be careful where I show the work.  

Plus it needs a shed load doing to it in post production after the first proofing has been done.

What I can show you is a small selection of my favourite pictures from the Type One Event.  

These events are for 8-10 year old children who all have type one diabetes and are designed to allow the children to experience life together, with other type one children, to feel normal and inclusive.  They also learn easier ways to manage their intake of insulin in softer ways, so that they don't realise they're learning.  You can get more information about Diabetes UK and their Type One Events by clicking on their logos below.

Working with the children for the day was so special and they gave me a real zest for life, just by being themselves.  This helped me to be with them and make such a close body of work with the main brief being to work closely without interference, my speciality and no flash required...