
Why Hire A Good Wedding Photographer?

Anyone can photograph a wedding!

Newly engaged to be married and surfing the internet for a local wedding photographer or videographer / filmmaker can be so very confusing.

There’s tons and tons of people online offering to record your marriage for all kinds of prices and they have so many differing levels of ability and quality of service. In this blog, I’m going to discuss my style and approach to the wedding photography industry.

Timing the fleeting moments that pass in the blink of an eye.

So, yes, anyone can photograph a wedding because all you need to do is buy a camera and then convince someone to pay you to make photographs at their wedding. That’s all there is to it really and it’s down to the people choosing the creative person to work out who’s good, who’s offering the best service for their budget and what style do they want etc.
You can choose from a classic style of photographer that does all of the stiff posing, with hours of family portraits dominating the wedding day. You can hire a beginner, an amateur, a semi pro, a pro. Even somebody that does hero shots and the kind of photographs that are made for wall art and to enhance the photographers portfolio. You can get photographers that use flash all the time, some mix it up and some never use it. You get technical photographers that have all the gear and believe it’s all about the equipment.
It’s no wonder you find it difficult to choose someone!

Teeth are one of the most important features, led by the eyes and followed by the cheeks! That’s where the fun hides, in the emotion.

In all of the years that I’ve been photographing and filming weddings, I’ve learned that the single most important thing is to make photographs that show how much joy and fun the couple have had and how much pleasure the guests have enjoyed.

So essentially, the most important thing is composition, timing, emotion and story, in my opinion.

Story is king!

Telling the story has become my USP!

Marriage is thirsty work, tying the knot, even thirstier!

My style has become all about unveiling the real story behind the wedding. I tend not to do much staged photography because it gives a false representation of the day. Of course I make pictures of groups of friends and families stood together at the request of the couple but my real skill is in following the wedding as a guest but with a camera and a professional set of skills that have been acquired through the professional study of photography and video to degree level at De Montfort University and studying the worlds best photographers.
I concentrate on making a large series of photographs or film sequences that document each step of the way in the most fun, pleasing and accurate way possible.
If you have a fun day, your photographs and film will show that.

I’m a natural storyteller.

In a dark room I’ll use flash but I try my best to avoid it because it changes the way the pictures look, alerts people to the photographers presence and takes away the ability to get true natural and candid photographs. As you can see in this photograph that I’ll use it if the lighting is so poor, the only way to make the photographs are to use flash.

Black and white versus colour is determined by potential colourful distractions, remembering that the story is the king.

My style of wedding photography and filmmaking is completely natural but with proper training from highly experienced experts. My storytelling style is filled with my love for humour and emotion and I try to inject both in to each picture or sequence.

So of course, you have some huge choices when trying to pick a creative to either photograph or film your wedding day. The best course of advice is to look at pictures and watch films of the creatives you come across and compare the quality of the work. Forget price at this point because that comes once you’ve picked out a shortlist of who’s work you like.

My pricing isn’t too shocking and sits around the average / middle of the range mark. I’m not one for going overboard because I don’t try to do the hero shots and my work is essentially intended on creating the real story of your day as opposed to making up staged photographs.

I aim for the middle of the market but do have a budget service for those not wanting the whole shebang!

I’m such an easy going person with a huge heart, very easy to talk to, so please get in touch with me and let’s chat about your wedding. I’ll give you a price list and you can choose how you want to build your package.
The pricing is mainly subject to how you want the work presenting afterwards.

In the main, I offer a digital package, which can be upgraded with one of my special slideshows, second photographers, story books and many other add ons (as required).

The best thing to do is get in touch with me first and let’s see where our journey goes.

The underage daughter caught the bouquet! The Bride (mother) wasn’t impressed!

Seeking the comedy at a wedding reception

Whatever the weather and whatever the storm! I’ll photograph anything that moves!

That magical moment that must remain in the couples history forever and a day!

This is my wedding photography showcase in a beautifully crafted slideshow…

I’ve been making films for the past 5 years and telling visual stories since 2012, the below film is my first wedding film, please watch and if you like my style, please make an enquiry about filmmaking too.

Thanks for reading.


The Norcups - The Wedding Day

The Norcups Wedding Film

This is the beautiful story of Clint and Gemma Norcup on their wedding day at Bosworth Hall Hotel in Market Bosworth.

Clint and Gemma have been engaged and living together in Hinckley, Leicestershire for 19 years now and have 6 children between them, including two sets of twins. They have a wonderful and large family that bonds them together so tightly.

They commissioned me to create a film for their wedding day, even though I’d never filmed a wedding before. I’m becoming quite experienced at making films per se but have only ever done still photography at a wedding, until now.

I have 8 years of wedding photography experience but was very nervous about filming, just through understanding the pressures of not missing a thing. As it happens I absolutely loved the process and felt more at home filming the wedding than being the main photographer. I think I’ve found my calling!

I made plenty of mistakes in the recording and naturally so with it being my first ever wedding film. I had problems with the audio and some of my kit just wasn’t up to recording in the low light conditions that sometimes presented themselves. The beauty of these mistakes is that it hasn’t affected ‘The Norcups’ film badly and they absolutely love it and I now know what I need to do, to not make those mistakes again, meaning my next wedding film is going to exude a much better quality. I’m not unhappy with what I’ve produced here but I know I can do better, if you know what I mean?

What I’m extremely happy about is that despite the kit issues and audio quality, I’ve got the story and that’s the single most important factor. Their story is beautiful and I believe I’ve told it in the right way.

You may not even notice what I do but I strive for perfection and excellence and it disappoints me when I don’t live up to my own expectations.

So please be the judge of that for yourself and watch ‘The Norcups’, then leave me some feedback.

If you’d like to discuss making a film about your wedding day, then please by all means get in touch and let’s chat.

Commercial Documentary Photography - Diabetes UK

Commercial Documentary Photography Midlands

Diabetes UK

Type One Events

Recently I was commissioned by Diabetes UK to produce a still and moving image documentary of their Type One Events so they could use the images in their 2018 marketing campaigns.  The moving images were for a documentary film and a short trailer for social media.  

I'm always grateful for every bit of work that I get along the way and this assignment was no different.  In fact it was special to me because they chose me for my style of working and not because they just needed a photographer or filmmaker.  Their marketing team found my website and preferred my work above most of the other photographers that they came across.  So for me, this was special and encouraged me to really zone in on the assignment.

I can't show you the films yet because they're not allowed to be viewed until the proofing stage has been completed and I get the green light on the final production.  It is for their 2018 marketing campaign as well so I have to be careful where I show the work.  

Plus it needs a shed load doing to it in post production after the first proofing has been done.

What I can show you is a small selection of my favourite pictures from the Type One Event.  

These events are for 8-10 year old children who all have type one diabetes and are designed to allow the children to experience life together, with other type one children, to feel normal and inclusive.  They also learn easier ways to manage their intake of insulin in softer ways, so that they don't realise they're learning.  You can get more information about Diabetes UK and their Type One Events by clicking on their logos below.

Working with the children for the day was so special and they gave me a real zest for life, just by being themselves.  This helped me to be with them and make such a close body of work with the main brief being to work closely without interference, my speciality and no flash required...

A Commercial Film Production To Remember

I was booked by Diabetes UK to produce a commercial film, a trailer and a series of documentary style photographs.  They came to me because they wanted the natural candid feel that I often produce. They wanted a sense of fun to help promote their Type 1 events to the children and parents who have to endure type one diabetes on a daily basis.

I jumped at the chance because I felt that working with such a genuine and helpful charity is how I want my business to be seen.  I always offer a generous discount to charities.  This opportunity was to work a a large group of 8-10 year olds who all have type 1 diabetes and these events are designed to help the children learn to manage the diabetes on their own, and to continue to enjoy a normal, healthy and active lifestyle.

They attend without their parents and love every minute of it!

Shooting this film and producing the documentary is up there with the best commercial project I've been commissioned to do.  The children were an inspiration and genuinely warmed my heart.

I'm currently at the proofing stage and won't be able to release the film until it has been finalised but rest assured, as soon as it is, I'll be sharing it here.

Maybe a sneak peak at one of the pictures...

You can click through the logos for Diabetes to go to their website and learn more information.

If you'd like to enquire about commissioning me for other assignments, please contact me here.